Sunday, May 22, 2011

Dawn of a New Image

Hello Hello! So it's been over two months since my last post... yay for uni and all sorts of other time consuming things keeping from writing. So as for news, I have made some changes to the blog with the addition of a new mascot and title. I haven't thought of a name for the girl/guy yet so I'm open to suggestions.

Anyhoos, so my skin is currently having an ongoing battle with the crazy weather here in Melbourne, and I think at the moment it is somewhat on the losing side... I've tried almost everything I can think of and I'm about ready to just give up D: seriously... who'd have thought it would be this difficult to find a nice moisturising cream that doesn't contain immense amounts of alcohol and isn't too oily. I mean seriously isn't having alcohol in moisturiser a contradiction in itself? Whatever man...

Well that's all I really have to report on so far seeing as I am in the middle of exams/assessments and what not so I shall leave it at that for now.
